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    Transportation tax exemption will end soon!

    30 May 2020

    The General Directorate of Revenue of Ministry of Finance, in order to better collect national revenues and encourage taxpayers to pay their tax obligations, has taken over the tax exemption for land transportation, which includes the following decisions:
    1- Additional payments due to non-payment of land transportation tax are exempt till the end of the fiscal year 1397.
    2- The principal unpaid tax will be exempted 50% from previous years to the fiscal year 1397.
    3- Taxpayers can pay their pervious years tax in three years installments, by paying the tax for the fiscal year of 1398. Car owners are obliged to pay 20% as the first installment in the fiscal year 1398 and other remaining installments of previous years with each fiscal year payment.
    4- Car owners are obliged to extend their deriving license until the fiscal year of 1398 so that they can benefit from this exemption.
    5. Only those owners of vehicles can benefit from this exemption if they refer to the tax office within six months from the date of the exemption announcement.
    6- In case of any violation, whether the owner of the vehicle is not paying the principal tax or the installment, the agreement will be canceled and the car owner will be obliged to pay his/her total tax liabilities and additional payments.
    The exemption will expire on Saratan, 27, 1399 so it is requested from all car owners to utilize from the benefits of this opportunity and clear their tax liabilities as soon as possible.