• +93 1000
  • info.ard@mof.gov.afOUR TAX-OUR COUNTRY-OUR FUTURE

    Tax Awareness Workshop Held for the Representatives of Afghan Women Chamber of Commerce and Industries


    21 January 2020

    In series of tax week celebration and tax awareness workshops, a workshop was launched for the representatives of Afghan Women Chamber of Commerce and industries in the conference hall of the mentioned chamber and was attended by the representatives of different businesses and landlords.
    Hundreds of participants attended this workshop which was presented by Amanullah Amin the Director of STO, Noorullah Habib the sub-director of services and filing/STO and Asadullah Alami the general manager of services. Awareness on tax value, tax laws, procedures, guides, systems, reforms and success of MoF-ARD was provided to the participants.
    Participants expressed their gratitude for the launch of the workshop and the promotional material prepared by the MoF/ARD were also distributed to the participants.
    It is worth mentioning that this workshop was launched by the MoF/ARD/STO and suggestion of Afghan Women Chamber of Commerce and Industries.